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The Christchurch Heritage Awards Charitable Trust celebrated its 10th anniversary in June 2021.  Over this time the Trust, in conjunction with its family of sponsors and supporters, has witnessed outstanding success of this biennial event. Each event attracted a diverse and exciting range of entries from cabins to mansions, from small to large commercial and public buildings, from rural to urban structures and country houses and the best of the best new builds as heritage of the future. The events were occasions where networking of like-minded heritage advocates and professionals from around Canterbury came together in celebration of this important social event.

The Awards were initiated by myself in 2010 and have been run as a not for profit trust.  Their success can be attributed to invaluable sponsorship from several key businesses and organisations over the past 12 years. As the awards are totally reliant on sponsorship it has been increasingly difficult to continue without it.  Therefore, the decision has been made to pause the awards for the time being. We are deeply appreciative of the support our previous sponsors have shown and understand entirely that in some cases their time has come to stand aside for others to step up and show the support required to run future awards.

This means a long-term pause for the Canterbury Heritage Awards, as we, the trustees, take time to re-think and re-imagine the awards in a manner that enables a sustainable future and of recognising those who have contributed to the protection and future of historic heritage in Canterbury.

Expressions of interest to support a future event as a key sponsor are invited. Please call Geoff Bone (Event Convener) on 0274 858 185 if you wish to know more.

So, in the meantime, on behalf of the trustees, keep up the good work.  You have all either individually or collectively been complicit in keeping our history alive, to be remembered and cherished.

With kind regards
Dame Anna Crighton
DNZM, QSO, JP, PhD(Otago)

September 2022

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2021 Heritage Lecture

The 2021 Heritage Lecture was proudly sponsored by the Warren Trust.

Speakers for the 2021 lecture were:

Keynote Speaker – Patrick Clifford


Patrick is a founding Director of Architectus and has been responsible for the design leadership of the practice’s major projects throughout New Zealand. He was awarded the highest honour in New Zealand architecture – the Te Kāhui Whaihanga New Zealand Institute of Architects’ Gold Medal in 2014 in recognition of his contribution to the body of work produced by Architectus.

Under his design leadership, Architectus has created an unrivalled record of award-winning projects across all building types. Architectus’ work has been recognised for its clarity of intent and resolution, its careful reading of context and content and ability to advance a broad cultural agenda. Heritage informs all the work whether it be at building or urban scale, or as a particular focus. Recent projects include ongoing contributions to the remaking of the Wynyard Quarter on Auckland’s waterfront that build on this marine industrial setting , a number of additions to the campus of the University of Auckland ,and the Centennial Chapel at St. Andrew’s College in Christchurch ,which retains a memory of its past by integrating and celebrating elements of its lost heritage, while responding sensitively to needs of the present.

Patrick is an astute and articulate architectural commentator. He has maintained a long running association with both schools of architecture in Auckland as a critic and tutor, including a two year Adjunct Professorship at Unitec. He has lectured widely on the work of Architectus both nationally and internationally, and contributed to a wide range of industry groups and organisations and is a past President of Te Kāhui Whaihanga New Zealand Institute of Architects.

William Fulton NZIA B.Bsc, Dip LA, BArch


William is a registered Architect with over 15 years of professional experience following a double qualification in Architecture and Landscape Architecture. He specialises in Heritage Conservation and Project delivery. He has been a Director of Fulton Ross Team Architects since 2007, and has a long list of involvement with Heritage projects both prior to and after the Canterbury earthquakes. These include, High St Revitalisation, New Regent St, Home & Family and the Trinity/Shand’s Restoration  Project.





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