The Christchurch Heritage Awards Charitable Trust celebrated its 10th anniversary in June 2021. Over this time the Trust, in conjunction with its family of sponsors and supporters, has witnessed outstanding success of this biennial event. Each event attracted a diverse and exciting range of entries from cabins to mansions, from small to large commercial and public buildings, from rural to urban structures and country houses and the best of the best new builds as heritage of the future. The events were occasions where networking of like-minded heritage advocates and professionals from around Canterbury came together in celebration of this important social event.
The Awards were initiated by myself in 2010 and have been run as a not for profit trust. Their success can be attributed to invaluable sponsorship from several key businesses and organisations over the past 12 years. As the awards are totally reliant on sponsorship it has been increasingly difficult to continue without it. Therefore, the decision has been made to pause the awards for the time being. We are deeply appreciative of the support our previous sponsors have shown and understand entirely that in some cases their time has come to stand aside for others to step up and show the support required to run future awards.
This means a long-term pause for the Canterbury Heritage Awards, as we, the trustees, take time to re-think and re-imagine the awards in a manner that enables a sustainable future and of recognising those who have contributed to the protection and future of historic heritage in Canterbury.
Expressions of interest to support a future event as a key sponsor are invited. Please call Geoff Bone (Event Convener) on 0274 858 185 if you wish to know more.
So, in the meantime, on behalf of the trustees, keep up the good work. You have all either individually or collectively been complicit in keeping our history alive, to be remembered and cherished.
With kind regards
Dame Anna Crighton
DNZM, QSO, JP, PhD(Otago)
September 2022
Andrew Coleman is the Chief Executive of Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga, the lead national heritage agency in New Zealand. He took up this position in October 2016.
Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga is an autonomous Crown entity. The organisation is responsible for heritage property listings, the regulatory practice of archaeological authorities and the management of 48 heritage properties across New Zealand. Its work, powers and functions are defined by the Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga Act 2014.
Mr Coleman has held senior positions across government agencies for 20 years. His previous roles include Chief Operations Officer for the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI), the acting Chief Executive and Deputy Chief Executive for the Ministry of Fisheries and the Operations Manager for the New Zealand Customs Service. His previous 20 years were in roles with the New Zealand Police.
He has considerable experience in Government process and policy, proven leadership of a national organisations, success in implementing internal and external strategies and relationships, excellent business acumen and a proven record of delivering outcomes.
Ivan is an urban and regional planner with more than 35 years experience in strategic planning, urban growth management and resource management, nearly all of it in Christchurch. He is a Fellow Member of the New Zealand Planning Institute.
Trained as a town planner in Britain, Ivan gained early insights into the critical importance of not only retaining a city’s heritage but also carefully adapting it to the needs of a modern society.
Born and raised in Christchurch, Ivan like many others feels a deep sense of loss at the erosion of the city’s cultural heritage over the past 30 years. He is in awe of those who strive hard as advocates or professionals to create quality urban and rural environments for future generations to enjoy.
Clare is a registered architect and specialises in Heritage Conservation. Her Christchurch based practice provides heritage design services to private clients (home owners) and public clients (secondary schools, tertiary educators, district and city councils). She does adaptive re- use designs for heritage buildings, prepares conservation plans and reports and does heritage building assessments. This work involves having a clear understanding of legislation and charters governing heritage buildings.
She is committed to fostering an understanding, celebration and conservation our cultural artefacts, buildings and places, the tangible fabric of our social memory. Her work is driven by a passion for our history and the tactile expression our built heritage gives to our ancestral societies and culture.
Andrew is a Charter Professional Engineer (CPEng) with has over 30 years’ experience in the Structural and Civil engineering profession. He is currently a Principal and Director of Batchelar McDougall Consulting Ltd. He has been involved in designing a wide range of structures in New Zealand and the United Kingdom. Andrew has specialised in Heritage Engineering as well as maintaining his competency in general structures ranging from residential through to multi-storey commercial developments.
Andrew volunteered for Civil Defence as a Chartered Professional Engineer following the February 22nd 2011 Christchurch earthquake and was lead Engineer in the heritage area. This led to a role consulting to Christchurch City Councils Heritage team for six years advising on the listed buildings in the Canterbury area. Andrew is also the Structural Peer Reviewer for The Arts Centre, Christs College, University of Canterbury and Isaac Theatre Royal. In addition, Andrew has presented lectures and conference papers on Heritage Engineering learning’s from the Canterbury Earthquakes to International and local audiences. He is also a certified Rapid Building Assessor on the MBIE register for building emergency management.