The Christchurch Heritage Awards Charitable Trust celebrated its 10th anniversary in June 2021. Over this time the Trust, in conjunction with its family of sponsors and supporters, has witnessed outstanding success of this biennial event. Each event attracted a diverse and exciting range of entries from cabins to mansions, from small to large commercial and public buildings, from rural to urban structures and country houses and the best of the best new builds as heritage of the future. The events were occasions where networking of like-minded heritage advocates and professionals from around Canterbury came together in celebration of this important social event.
The Awards were initiated by myself in 2010 and have been run as a not for profit trust. Their success can be attributed to invaluable sponsorship from several key businesses and organisations over the past 12 years. As the awards are totally reliant on sponsorship it has been increasingly difficult to continue without it. Therefore, the decision has been made to pause the awards for the time being. We are deeply appreciative of the support our previous sponsors have shown and understand entirely that in some cases their time has come to stand aside for others to step up and show the support required to run future awards.
This means a long-term pause for the Canterbury Heritage Awards, as we, the trustees, take time to re-think and re-imagine the awards in a manner that enables a sustainable future and of recognising those who have contributed to the protection and future of historic heritage in Canterbury.
Expressions of interest to support a future event as a key sponsor are invited. Please call Geoff Bone (Event Convener) on 0274 858 185 if you wish to know more.
So, in the meantime, on behalf of the trustees, keep up the good work. You have all either individually or collectively been complicit in keeping our history alive, to be remembered and cherished.
With kind regards
Dame Anna Crighton
DNZM, QSO, JP, PhD(Otago)
September 2022
A Pecha Kucha-style presentation comprises of 20 slides which are shown for 20 seconds each thus keeping presentations concise and fast paced. Pecha Kucha nights now take place in 900 cities across the world. During the Award Ceremony we respectfully follow a similar presentation style and format but our presenters are limited to 10 slides for 20 seconds per slide.
Director, Te Pūtahi Centre for Architecture and City Making
According to her twitter account, Dr. Jessica Halliday is “blessed (and cursed) by love of architecture & Christchurch”. Her passion is finding ways for more and more people to engage and involve themselves with cities, architecture and the decisions made about our built environment. Jessica is an architectural historian and is the Director and co-founder of Te Pūtahi Centre for Architecture and City Making. Te Pūtahi is an independent non-profit organisation that catalyses greater involvement in city making through a diverse and inclusive programme of engagement. Te Pūtahi wants to make it easy, desirable and fun for everybody to participate in the shaping and enjoyment of Ōtautahi Christchurch. Te Pūtahi grew out FESTA, a of celebration of urban creativity and regeneration which Jessica directed and produced from the inaugural event in 2012 to the final FESTA in 2018.
Jessica completed her PhD in Art History in 2005 at the University of Canterbury. In 2006-7 she worked at the Architectural Association in London. On her return to New Zealand there wasn’t a job in the country she wanted, so she initiated independent curatorial, film and writing projects on New Zealand architectural history. She is on the national committee for DOCOMOMO NZ, the New Zealand chapter of the Organisation for the Documentation and Conservation of the Modern Movement in Architecture.
Proudly sponsored by: Fulton Ross Team Architects & Heritage Management Services